10 tips for a successful home renovation

There comes a moment in the lifecycle of every home when time begins to catch up with the structure, the walls, floors and the décor – and a renovation project is required. Home renovations are extremely challenging, and involve a great deal of planning, knowledge and hard work. Organisation and focus are vital in the successful execution of a home renovation project, as well as the engagement of an experienced turnkey fitout company, such as Grafica Design and Fit Out, to oversee and carry out the works.

The 10 tips for a successful home renovation are things we’ve learned along the way, having delivered numerous first-class renovation projects throughout the years. It starts with engaging the right partner for your renovation project.

1. Understand your end goal

Before you decide how extensively you will need to renovate your property, you have to understand what your end goal is for your home. Is the renovation to raise the resale value, or are you planning to reside in the property for a number of years? Having a plan in place for your own future will help to identify the depth of renovation you will require. Renovations should provide the opportunity for a good return on investment, and so it is also a good idea to look at any similar properties within the neighbourhood that have undergone similar works – assess the success, speak to the occupants to find out more. This all helps in understanding your own personal objectives for the project.

2. Get inspiration

Design ideas and inspiration are everywhere. From luxury bathrooms in celebrity homes to sleek contemporary kitchen ideas, the internet is brimming with amazing designs and insights. Start a Pinterest account and compile your favourite styles for each space top start formulating your design. Pinterest remains the world’s best visual discovery engine for finding ideas for home and style inspiration. There are billions of Pins on Pinterest, and by spending some time on the platform you are guaranteed to find ideas to spark inspiration.

3. Figure out your budget

One of the most important components of renovation planning is working out your budget, and, once the work commences, sticking to it. There should be contingency costs worked into your project budget, as invariably there are potential costs that arise during the process that may not have been obvious prior to commencement. Be realistic, and make sure you are not spreading yourself too thinly on some of the more important aspects of the renovation. A good contractor will be able to guide you through this, and will be able to advise on where there are potential cost savings that don’t compromise the quality.

4. Research and find your contractor

Before you begin with making plans, it’s important to bring on an experienced and reliable partner to carry out the work. Research the company, take a look at their portfolio of completed projects and check out their online presence. When you meet with a potential renovation expert to undertake your project, ask lots of questions, such as: Were their projects completed on time and on budget? Are they knowledgeable about local permits and authority approvals? What is the contract type they use? How long do they foresee the project lasting? How do they plan to minimise disruption to your life (if you plan to live in the property while the work is ongoing)?

It’s also important that the company you choose to engage are good to work with. Are they good people? Do they come across as authentic and nice to work with? Are they good communicators? All these components will be important once work begins…

5. Understand the scope

A big part of being ready to work on a renovation is advance planning and finalising the scope of works. Any changes or additions that occur once work has commenced will invariably be costly – both in terms of money and time. Once the scope is finalised and all parties have confirmed they understand what needs to be done, and that both the budget and timeframes set are achievable and acceptable, work can proceed. Of course, there is always a chance that you may wish to change something midway through, however you should be aware that this will come at a price. Plan well in advance and you mitigate risk of any unwanted surprises during the programme.

6. The design

It’s worthwhile taking some time in perfecting the design, and making certain that the finished property will meet your aspirations. Think about the way in which the changes will work with the original building, ask yourself what it is you want to achieve from an aesthetic point of view, and consult with your designer to discover all the possibilities. Opportunities for room re-configuration during a renovation are often too good to miss, so think about how different arrangements could affect the flow of the spaces, think about the need for natural light in certain living areas, and consider the views afforded too. Certain rooms benefit more from exposure to more natural light and nicer views than others.

7. Be prepared for some disruption

If you live in the property, and you plan to continue to stay while the work is ongoing, be prepared for some challenging situations. Dust is seemingly able to find its way out of even the most air tight spaces, and with noise and builders walking in and out of the property, it can be a challenging environment to live in. It is worth considering leaving to stay with family or friends, or even to book a holiday while some of the more intrusive works are carried out – for example demolition. If that is not an option, you should ensure that you seal off the living spaces as much as possible to minimise dust spread, but be prepared for some disruption to your usual routine. The key is to remember the end goal and the joy it will bring when complete.

8. Stay communicative

It’s important to communicate with the contractors working on your property, check in with the work, make sure they are working well towards the deadlines and address any concerns. After each milestone, inspect the work to ensure it’s up to standard, and keep the lines of communication open so that any issues can be addressed as they arise, not after the fact. A good contractor will be happy to show the fruits of their labour after each step and to get your feedback and comments.

9. The snag list

Small problems will likely show up over the months after the project reaches handover. It could be an issue with water pressure, or minor defects with materials. Good contractors expect this, and will come back to de-snag to ensure your renovation ends up exactly as you want it – perfect.

10. Enjoy the process, love the results

Taking on a renovation is a huge project, with many challenges, sleepless nights, countless hours of research. However, once the final product is complete, the satisfaction and appreciation is like no other. Be sure to embrace the challenges, believe in the process, and most importantly, sit back and marvel at the finished product!

Contact Grafica Design and Fit Out today to discuss your plans for your renovation project.